EXCLUSIVE – GRIPEN NG will have Wide Display

Portuguese text

EXCLUSIVO – GRIPEN NG Terá Display Panorâmico Link

O editor

Nelson Düring
Chief- Editor DefesaNet

Gripen NG fighter contract, currently being dealt between Swedish SAAB company and Coordinating Commission for Combat Aircraft Program (Comissão Coordenadora do Programa Aeronave de Combate – COPAC),  representing Brazilian Air Force (FAB) is in the last stages, one year after the formal announcement in December 18th, 2013. One relevant detail was defined by FAB.

DefesaNet obtained from two sources near to negotiations that  Gripen NG, Brazilian Version, will have a Wide Area Display. This is a FAB specification, that encountered some resistance from SAAB in the beginning.

Integration risks of new display to the Gripen NG cockpit, that can generate delays in the cronogram and  development and productions of 36 units to FAB, were the SAAB main objection.

Gripen E cockpit as presented by SAAB at Farnborough – Photo – SAAB


In the final phase of negotiations  FAB/COPAC placed as main  theme  incorporation of Wide Area Display in the Brazilians Gripen. On Farnborough exhibition, past July,  SAAB showed Gripen E mock-up, with a functional cockpit with three large displays, largely based in the current C/D generation. Displays supplied by American Rockwell Collins.

Arte apresentada pela AEL na FIDAE 2014, integrando o WAD ao
cockpit do Gripen NG – Arte AEL Sistemas

SAAB as  Main Project Authority,  by FAB delegation, will start studies and  an international tender to  verify suppliers able to furnish and join the development.
In Brazil AEL Sistemas company has the leadership. Displayed in FIDAE 2014 (Feira Internacional de Ar e Espaço, no Chile) its Project for Gripen NG.

Proposed system, called Cockpit NG, includes a WAD (Wide Area Display), one Helmet Mounted Display (Targo), that incorporate some symbols and images very similar to HUD (Head Up Display) and high capacity computers for processing and images.

Time for SAAB presents the study results is unknown by  DefesaNet.

Currently only the american fighter  Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II has a Wide Area Display.

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