CREDN – Defense Minister, Air Force Commander and Fighter Office Mgr to explain Gripen Deal in Congress

Text in portuguese

CREDN – Convoca Amorim, Saito e Crepaldi para explicar contrato Link

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Brasília – Defense Minister, Ambassador Celso Amorim, Brazilian Air Force Commander,Brigadier Juniti Saito,and  president of Coordinating Commission for Combat Aircraft Program  (Comissão Coordenadora do Programa Aeronave de Combate – COPAC), Brigadier José Augusto Crepaldi Affonso, will have to explain and detail before tha Foreign and National Defense Comission (CREDN), at National Chamber, the reasons to sign the deal with Swedish SAAB company the contract for 36 fighters Gripen NG, by US$ 5,4 billions.    
The contract amout signed two days before presidenteial election  worry the CREDN members.      

This wednesday, 29 October,  CREDN  were approved  requirements originated by member Rubens Bueno (PPS-PR)and Duarte Nogueira (PSDB-SP), that found strange the contract final value. Bueno remebered that in february this year, Air Force Commander stated in the Congress, that the fighters  contract would be US$ 4,5 billions.

"Contract grew more than 20% from the value announced one year ago by Defense Minister Celso Amorim: from US$ 4,5 billions expanded to US$ 5,4 billions, grew more than US$ 900 millions”, explained Bueno.

According Duarte Nogueira, "the operation value, released  passed US$ 900 millions from the value announced, in December 2013, increase explained by Air Force due project update, since the early  proposal dating back October 2009. Brazilian Air Force (FAB), denied that contract delay is not related by electoral proces".

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