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IAI –  Parceiro de Confiança para Aeroestruturas Link

The Editor


IAI Aerostructures Division is a world-leading Tier-1 aerospace manufacturer of metal and composite aerostructures. Aerostructures produced by IAI are successfully flying in the world's leading commercial airplanes and combat aircraft for more than five decades.

Specialized in the design and production of wings, empennages, nacelles, and fuselage elements, IAI continuously invests in capacity building, research, and development in manufacturing technology, to add new projects and expand its capabilities in becoming a long-term partner with major OEMs.

IAI has established such long-term partnerships with the world's leading OEMs. These include key military and commercial aerostructures for the Lockheed Martin F-35 and F-16, and UH-60 programs, Boeing F-15, Boeing B787, B777, and B777X, passenger jets, BellV-280 tilt-rotor aircraft, and Gulfstream G280 business jet.


Aerospace Expertise

IAI harnesses its heritage and expertise as an aerospace engineering and production center, maintaining the highest aerospace standards over decades of operation in Build-To-Specification (BTS) and Build-To-Print (BTP) programs and global supply chainto meet customer's schedule and quality requirements. IAI has been recognized as an 'Elite Supplier' by Lockheed Martin, consecutively winning follow-up contracts for its performance.

IAI has gained extensive experience designing, producing, and integrating the aerostructures and components for the most advanced aerial platforms. Equipped with the most advanced metal processing equipment and staffed by skilled and experienced manpower, IAI's machining and sheet metal centersmanufacture "Ready for Assembly" parts.

The composite materials production center supports a whole range of aerospace products and technologies, including the development of lower-cost Out of Autoclave manufacturing processes such as Structural Bonding, Resin Transfer Molding (RTM), and Liquid Resin Infusion (LRI).

To increase efficiency and yield, IAI has enhanced various manufacturing areas such as ply cutting, ply lay-up (ATL, AFP), autoclave control, and computer-controlled ultrasonic and automated x-ray non-destructive testing.


Composites Technologies

Recognized as a center of excellence for wings and empennages, IAI provides design, certification, manufacture, and assembly of such components. To support the latest, most advanced programs IAI made significant investments in development and infrastructure. For example, advanced automation technologies were implemented to facilitate the assembly line of the F35-Outer wing box. These include Auto Drill Machines and automated tools for production and inspection. The associated wing skins production line also uses the innovative technology of Automatic Fiber Placement (AFP) of composite materials.

Another major program is the design and production of replacement wings for thousands of T-38 trainers, for which the US Air Force has selected IAI as a sole source.

Military Aircraft and Helicopter Programs

IAI supplies aerostructures which are assembled on the leading aircraft and helicopters used by the United States Armed Forces.


A Dedicated Team

IAI´s Aerostructures has established a highly experienced and dedicated team of more than 900 aircraft structural designers, manufacturing, tooling, and industrial engineers, and highly skilled production and assembly technicians. IAI-LAHAV  qualifications and accreditations standards IAI-LAHAV meets the stringent aerospace requirements and holds accreditations by major Aviation Authorities and OEMs.


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