ARQUUS to attend the Dakar International Forum (November 5th-6th)

Leader of military protected mobility, ARQUUS will be attending the International Forum on Peace and Security in Africa, which will take place on November 5th and 6th in Dakar, Senegal.

The company will present its land mobility solutions and will contribute to the debates on security enforcement in the region. ARQUUS is a major partner for the G5 Sahel, which is the institutional frame from coordination and regional cooperation for development and security policies.

G5 Sahel combines the resources of Mauretania, Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger and Chad. ARQUUS notably delivers with the Bastion armored vehicles in service in the G5 forces. These vehicles, which have been proved on all grounds and all conditions, have shown their efficiency for counterterrorism operations.

They provide governmental forces, homeland security or peacekeeping units with excellent all-terrain mobility and exceptional payload capabilities. During the Dakar Forum, ARQUUS will be presenting its mobility solutions offer, with a focus on homeland security and Special Forces vehicles.

To better answer Africa’s security needs, ARQUUS has specifically developed the Trigger, a robust pick-up designed as a troop transport and logistics vehicle.

The Trigger benefits from a reinforced platform which can load up a payload of up to 1.3 tonne, and offers an autonomy of more than 1,000 km. Its hardiness and resistance make for a very trusted vehicle for all forces, which outperforms all other pick-ups in service in Africa.

Renowned expert of land support, ARQUUS also presents its Trust support offer, designed to guarantee operational readiness, even in the most demanding grounds as Sahel. This offer notably relies on remote, connected support, and on formation, thus guaranteeing maximum availability.

ARQUUS develops its partnerships in the region, in order to further commit to the governmental forces and to offer ever more reactive offers. In particular, ARQUUS offers combat-proven vehicles, ceded by the French Army as part of its equipment replacement plan.

Thanks to its expertise of integration, ARQUUS is able to offer complete mobility solutions, with integrated support offers, which can include full fleet management with a long-term commitment, as close as possible to the operational forces. Moreover, ARQUUS offers all governmental actors innovative and tailored financing offers.


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