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Ukraine New Defense Minister plans for more cooperation with NATO

Text in Portuguese

Ucrânia- Novo Ministro da Defesa Andrey Taran busca maior aproximação com o Brasil



The new Minister of Defense of Ukraine Andrii Taran in his address delivered to the leadership of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and the General Staff emphasized that the Armed Forces of Ukraine will be able to fully adapt to NATO standards in the near future.

This statement is based on next facts.

In 2019 Ukraine adopted amendments to the Constitution clearly identifying the strategy towards achieving the Euro-Atlantic integration.

In order to achieve the interoperability between the defense forces of Ukraine and the Alliance forces, Ukraine is participating in the developing the partnership goals which are the basis for the implementation of the necessary NATO documents in the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine has set up a clear process of monitoring the NATO standards implementation in the Armed Forces regular activities.

In 2020 the new partnership goals will be identified for the next two years.

Such cooperation will definitely enhance capabilities of Ukraine to defend its independence and territorial integrity.

The Minister of Defense of Ukraine has set up the clear objectives for the Ministry to the year of 2020 which are to maximize the ability of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to interoperate with the Alliance as well as expedite technological modernization using the latest technologies and building the thought-out weapon development program.

He also stressed that this can be achieved only with the help and assistance from the NATO strategic partners.

The ultimate goal of Ukraine is to return all its temporarily occupied territories, stop Russian military aggression and restore international order and peace crudely violated for the first time since 1945.

And nobody but NATO will help Ukraine to achieve this.

There is clear understanding that the only way to build strong and self-sustainable Armed Forces which are above expectations lays through the close cooperation with the NATO allies.

Born in 1955 in Frankfurt (Oder), Germany in the family of servicemen.

Has higher education. Graduated from Kyiv Higher Anti-Aircraft Missile Engineering College.

Andrii Taran has been in the service since August 1972, retired as a lieutenant general in December 2016.

Started officer service as Deputy Commander of Air Defense Missile Battery.

After graduating from the command faculty of the military academy, he was chief of staff – deputy commander of the anti-aircraft missile regiment.

Andrii Taran served in command and staff positions in the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Having received a master's degree from the US National Defense University, he continued to serve in the central office of the U.S. Department of Defense.

Andrii Taran worked as a Defense Attaché at the Embassy of Ukraine in the United States of America and a representative of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine at the Permanent Mission of Ukraine to the UN.

Participant in the anti-terrorist operation in  Donetsk and Luhansk regions. He held the position of Head of the Joint Center for the Control and Coordination of Ceasefire and Stabilization of the Demarcation Line.

Andrii Taran took part in the work of the Trilateral Contact Group on the peaceful settlement of the situation in Donetsk and Luhansk regions.

March 4, 2020 – appointed Minister of Defence of Ukraine.

Andrii Taran has been awarded the Order of Bohdan Khmelnytsky of the 2nd and 3rd classes, numerous honours of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine and other state institutions of Ukraine.

Married, has children.


Note DefesaNet – Ukraine and EMBRAER are discussing possible opportunities to Super Tucano in the Ukrainian Air Force. In 2020 start discussions about the possible paticipation of Brazilian Forces as United Nations Peace Force.

More relevant links related to Brazil and Ukraine relationship.

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