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EXCLUSIVE – Ukraine Intelligence Report

EXCLUSIVE – Ukraine Intelligence Report

DefesaNet publish exclusive intelligence report from JOINT OPERATIONS HEADQUARTERS OF THE ARMED FORCES OF UKRAINE about the situation on “RF Mercenaries, Weaponsand Military Equipment on the territory of Ukraine”. Dated 11 August 2016 shown the increasing tension between the Ukraine and Russian Federation.

The report is published in the Ukraine Independence Day August 24th, 1991, when obtained independence from Russia, formely part of Soviet Union.

Reports mention the border incidents.

Text in military language but easily understandable.

Russian Federation (RF) leadership creates information background to justify activation of terroristic activity of 1 and 2 AK (Army Corps) in the East of Ukraine. Referring to the words of DNR/LNR representatives, lately Russian mass media more often delivers messages regarding high possibility of renewal of combat clashes in the eastern regions of our country. The main precondition is constant shelling by ATO forces the territory, which is temporary controlled by Russian terroristic forces.

Kremlin has been also using the given false information for imposing on international community the ideas regarding systematic Minsk agreements violations by Ukraine, which provoke DNR/LNR to renew combat clashes.

3 August, 2016, one performed in this context “civil briefings” in Luhansk with participation of  the “deputies of so-called LNR public board” on the topic “Ukrainian failure to comply obligations committed in accordance with the Complex of activities regarding Minsk agreements fulfillment adopted by the UN Security Council resolution ?2202”). During the event it was stressed on the necessity to speed up the preparation of addressing of self-proclaimed authority the international specialized bodies and human rights organizations regarding compelling Ukrainian leadership to fulfill Minsk agreements. 

Similar meetings were conducted in “DNR”. According to the separate order of Mr. O.Zakharchenko it has been renewed signatures collection for addressing UN Security Council regarding compelling Ukraine to fulfill Minsk agreements.


Putin`s regime activates public outreach activity in the Crimea for the purpose of explaining of “historical rights” of Russia for the peninsula. Nowadays Russian mass media perform informational support to the preparation of the annual youth patriotic activities on the territory of the Crimea: 3-d Crimean Military Historical Festival (10-17 September, Sevastopol) and 8-th Festival of Russian Patriotic Feature and Documentary Film (12-15 October, Simferopol, Yalta, Yevpatoriya). Also it is expected the participation of the representatives of 1 and 2 AK acting on the east of Ukraine as well as films demonstration of antiukrainian content.

Kremlin intensified ideological influence on the Crimean youth is determined by the necessity to provide the loyalty of the Crimean population to Putin`s regime. The theme of “prorussian direction of the majority of the Crimean population” and its “imperception of the possibility to return peninsula under jurisdiction of Ukraine” will be used actively by Russian leadership during the attempts to justify Crimea annexation at international arena.
  Slide 4 – Prohibited Types of Armament Used by the Militants
The most intensive fire effect on ATO positions was focused by the enemy at Donetsk direction (sectors: MAYORSK, ZAITSEVE; AVDIYIVKA, PISKY, NEVELSKE) and Mariupol` direction (sectors: KRASNOHORIVKA, MARYINKA; TALAKIVKA, VODIANE, SHYROKYNE).

Specific peculiarities of the usage by the enemy fire means close Svitlodar (NOVOZVANIVKA, LUHANSKE, MAYORSK and ZAITSEVE) were the conducting of short-term shelling (up to 20 minutes) of  fortified tactical localities of ATO forces from 152-mm artillery and 82/120-mm mortars. Generally, shooting from heavy-caliber armament has been defined during the night time.

It is kept high intensity of the usage of cannon artillery and mortars close AVDIYIVKA district, where by means of fire attack (relatively in the evening and night time) the enemy has been trying to ruin the defence system of our forces.

During the day time one kept shelling generally from small arms and AFVs. 

In order to “exhaust” our troops close TALAKIVKA, VODIANE, SHYROKUNE the enemy performed 24-hour methodical shelling of low density with the usage of artillery with caliber 122/152 mm and 120-mm mortars. 


1 AK leadership conducted in Donetsk the meeting with the command staff of subordinated units, which resulted in the following tasks:

to check the manning level, armament and military equipment, ammunition.
In case of necessity one should complete the ammunition allowance of units based on conducting independent combat activities during two days;
one should complete in two days term the engineer installed equipment of the advanced positions on the bound HOLMIVSKYI – ZAITSEVE;
one should set up temporary medical units for blood donation in DONETSK, MAKIYIVKA, KHARTSYZK, HORLIVKA, YENAKIYEVE, ZUHRES as well as to refill medications and supplies in medical institutions;
to recall from leaves military personnel and medical staff.

1 AK leadership gave the order to remove all lightly wounded from medical institutions of MAKIYIVKA and to empty the insane hospital in HORLIVKA. Also it was conducted the training of medical institutions personnel in DONETSK, HORLIVKA, YENAKIYEVE, MAKIYIVKA and KHARTSYZK. One trained the issue of organization of receiving of the great amount of injured and admitting them for treatment. 


Adversary continues to provide reconnaissance over our troops positions/formations in the frontline/tactical depth and line of contact. Sabotage groups, UAVs and EW assets are involved to provide reconnaissance. The main efforts adversary takes to find out our operational picture, impact areas, ATO combat order change the same as location and reserve approach route.

In order to efficiently augment aerial reconnaissance capabilities, hostile forces modernize its UAVs and procure up-to-date foreign samples which have tactical similarities with USA RQ-11 “Raven” UAV.

Currently 2 AC is testing Chinese UAV with modernized airframe and improved software (automatic pilot system).


Regarding the understaffing of 1 AC units and detachments the DNR leadership prepared framework document that regulates military service.

According to the “DNR” Minister of Defense (since 1 July) there is a 5 year contract for officers, 3 – for NCO, 1 – for privates.

In order to prevent the officer’s voluntary resignation, in case of early termination of the contract, they are 75% salary underpaid.
Slide 8 – Losses as for 10.08.2016

In the short term perspective, Russia will not abandon the policy of aggression against Ukraine and will continue actions in support of illegal armed groups in the east of Ukraine.

The most threatened areas still remain Sloviansk (“Svitlodarskyy vystup”), Donetsk (Avdiivka, western Donetsk outskirts) and Volnovakha (Novotroitske) directions, were we identified the intentions to further continue active combat clashes.


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