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MALVINAS – FALKLANDS – President Cristina accused Britain of “militarizing the South Atlantic once again”

Télam. National News Agency of Argentina. Feb. 7, 2012. President Cristina Fernández said tonight that Great Britain is “militarizing the South Atlantic once again” and informed that she has instructed the Foreign Minister to denounce this situation before the Security Council and the General Assembly of the United Nations, as informed by Télam.

The President spoke before an audience that packed up the Government House´s Hall of Bicentennial Latin American Patriots, made up by the first time by lawmakers and leaders of the opposition, alongside the provincial governors, mayors, Government officials, labor and business leaders and members of social organizations. A large map of the Malvinas Islands with an Argentine flag had been placed behind the podium from where the President addressed the audience.

“Nobody must expect from us gestures outside the fields of politics and diplomacy, because we have suffered a lot the impact of violence in our own country”, she said.

Cristina also signed an executive decree, lifting the official State secret imposed by the dictatorship in 1983 on the report on the responsibility of the Armed Forces during the Malvinas War, produced by a military committee headed by the late Lt. General Benjamín Rattenbach, whose son, a retired Army Colonel, was sitting beside her.

The President said that the lifting of the State secret is due to the fact that “a matter of State politics is at stake, which involves the concepts of democracy and sovereignty”.

Cristina urged the British Prime Minister David Cameron “to give peace a chance” in this world full of conflicts and dangerous situations. “What we want is to seat and debate with the United Kingdom regarding our sovereign claim over the Malvinas”, she said, in accordance to numerous United Nations recommendations.

The President also confirmed that next June Argentina shall present again, as it has been doing year after year, its claim of rights before the U.N. Committee on Decolonization.

Cristina acknowledged and thanked the presence of opposition legislators and leaders and said that “she now feels more than ever that she is the President of all the 40 million Argentines”.


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