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US-RU-OTAN- Ukraaine Operational information as of 12.00 Kiev, March 6 2022

Source: the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine


Operational information as of 12.00 Kiev, March 6  2022


The eleventh day (11th) of the Ukrainian people’s heroic fight with the Russian military invasion continues.

The enemy does not give up its intentions and continues the offensive operation against Ukraine. Despite losses in personnel and equipment, the occupants, with the support of the air force, focused their efforts on encircling the cities of Kyiv, Kharkiv, Chernihiv, and Mykolayiv and reaching the administrative borders of Luhansk and Donetsk oblasts, and creating a land corridor with the temporarily occupied Crimea.

Unable to achieve the goal of capturing the capital of Ukraine in the first days of the war, the occupants are now focused on active actions in the southern regions, in order to deprive Ukraine of access to the Black and Azov Seas. The invaders have spent almost all their main reserves and are preparing to send additional units from the Eastern, Central and Western military districts.

The Defense Forces continues to conduct a defense operation.

In the Eastern direction, a defense operation is being conducted in Donetsk, Slobozhansky and, in part, Tavriya operational districts.

The Joint Forces Group is conducting a defense operation in the Donetsk direction.

In the Slobozhansky direction, mechanized units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are defending the cities of Kharkiv and Okhtyrka.

The defense of Chernihiv continues in the Sivers'kyi region.

The group of forces and means of defense of the city of Kyiv continues to hold steady borders and fight to keep important areas of defense in threatening areas.

Stabilization operations are being conducted in other areas and territorial defense tasks are being carried out.

The Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine repulses missile and air strikes and means of air attack of the enemy, concentrates its efforts on air cover of important (critical) objects of Ukraine and groups of troops.

Total enemy combat losses since the beginning of the operation: personnel – more than 11,000 people, tanks – up to 285; APVs – up to 985, artillery systems – 109, MLRS – 50, air defense – 21; aircraft – 44, helicopters – 48, UAVs – 4, ships / boats – 2, vehicles – 447.

The enemy is scared, the enemy is disoriented, the enemy is panicking!

We stand together! The victory will be ours!!! Let's win together!

Glory to Ukraine!!!



            Government Office for the Coordination of European and Euro-Atlantic Integration


Source:General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine as of March 6, am




FROM 24.02 TO 06.03



> 11 000 *




44 (to be specified)


48 (to be specified)





Anti-aircraft missile system


Armored vehicles




Fuel tanks


Ships / boats


Artillery systems




* Data are approximate, precise calculations are complicated due to high intensity of the ongoing hostilities


Government Office for the Coordination of European and Euro-Atlantic Integration


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