T- 27 M – A Saga Continua I
No dia 21FEV2019 a Comissão Aeronáutica Brasileira em Washington DC 9 Brazilian Aeronautica Comission Washington DC – BACW), reemitiu a licitação para a modernização dos 40 T- 27 Tucano (EMB312) da Academia da Força Aérea.
Em resposta a questão de uma empresa a Comissão respondeu:
“Price of the AVIONIC EQUIPMENT GRS 7800 is not considered in the final price of the worksheet that has the complete list of all equipment and material involved in the final price. We can observe it because in the column of total. Please confirm if the price of this GRS7800 is added within any other equipment price or it is a mistake, or if this equipment will be delivered by COMAER -CABW. We have a great difference of USD 1,822,300.80 calculated by 80 ea x GRS7800 price of 22,778.76 = USD 1,822,300.80.
Answer:There was a mistake on the calculation.The information has been updated in the Republishing of the IFB”