Brazilian Naval Training Frigate Visits Naval Station Mayport

Versão em português

Petty Officer Second Class Michael Hendricks


U.S. Naval Forces Southern Command/U.S. 4th Fleet (USNAVSO / FOURTHFLT) hosted the Brazilian Navy Training Frigate “Brasil” during a three-day port visit to Mayport, from November 10th -13th as part of a deployment designed to train Brazilian midshipmen.

The Niterói-class Training Frigate “Brasil” (U27) has approximately 450 personnel onboard and 200 are midshipmen from the Brazilian Naval and Merchant Marine Academies. They embarked on a Midshipmen Training Cruise (MTC) of nearly five months, making port calls in 15 countries, including a visit Naval Station Mayport. Upon completion of the MTC the midshipmen will receive their commission as ensigns and will serve on board ships and other military organizations in Brazil.

“Probably the most important thing that I have learned since becoming a midshipmen is understanding how to work together,” said Brazilian Midshipmen Vinicius Melo. “Not just with other Brazilians in the military, but with our partners around the world. It takes everyone working together, as a team, helping one another to make sure we have a positive impact.”

While in Mayport, Brazilian sailors and midshipmen had the opportunity to tour USNAVSO/FOURTHFLT headquarters and participated in a reception held onboard the Brazil. “I am excited to be in Florida,” said Brazilian Midshipmen Felipe Tarle. “My expectations are pretty high because of some TV shows I have watched. I just got off the boat and haven’t been able to see much, but so far the weather is nice and I am looking forward to visiting the beaches around here.”

The U.S. and Brazilian navies have participated in several different exercises together in the last year, the most recent being PANAMAX, which concluded its 13th iteration of the exercise earlier this year.

U.S. Naval Forces Southern Command and U.S. 4th Fleet supports U.S. Southern Command’s joint and combined military operations by employing maritime forces in cooperative maritime security operations in order to maintain access, enhance interoperability, and build enduring partnerships in order to enhance regional security and promote peace, stability, and prosperity in the Caribbean, Central and South American regions.


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