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Deputies approve proposed anti-terrorism bill

By Luciano Nascimento

Source: Agência Brasil

Translated by Mayra Borges

The Chamber of Deputies approved the draft text for a proposed bill to list actual or threatened use, conveyance and storage of explosives and toxic gases, chemicals and nuclear materials as terrorism. Also listed as terrorism are arson, vandalizing public or private transport or any public property, as well as malicious damage to computer systems and sabotaging media or transport services or operation at ports, airports, railway or bus stations, hospitals, and public service premises.
The original draft submitted by sponsor Arthur Maia listed as terrorism crimes motivated by “ideology, xenophobia, religion, discrimination or prejudice based on race, skin color, or ethnicity” and perpetrated with the intention of threatening a State, international organization, corporate organizations, and create widespread terror to disrupt social order. However, an amendment approved at a plenary session on Wednesday (Aug. 12) by 362 votes to 85 with 3 abstentions removed the word “ideology” from the text and added offenses with ideological motivations that threaten the lives or physical integrity of others.
According to the proposal, these crimes will carry imprisonment sentences of 12 to 30 years, whereas providing assistance to terrorist organizations will be punishable by 5-8 years' jail terms. The Office of Institutional Security of the Presidency was given the role of managing efforts to prevent and counter terrorist actions.


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