SISFRON – Brazilian Army Chooses SAVIS and OrbiSat Consortium

Release from EMBRAER Defesa e Segurança

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São Paulo, August 24, 2012 – The TEPRO consortium formed by SAVIS Tecnologia e Sistemas S/A and OrbiSat Indústria e Aerolevantamento S/A, companies controlled by Embraer Defense and Security, was the only one chosen by the Brazilian Army to participate in the next stage of the selection process of the Integrated Border Monitoring System (Sistema Integrado de Monitoramento de Fronteiras – SISFRON). The next step will be contract negotiation.

This selection is related to the initial Sisfron implementation phase. It contemplates the monitoring of land borders in an area under the responsibility of the Brazilian Western Military Command. In all, SISFRON will include the surveillance and protection of the country’s land borders along a stretch of 16,886 kilometers that separate Brazil from 11 neighboring countries, and extend along ten States, encompassing 27% of the Nation’s territory.

Controlled by EMBRAER Defense and Security, SAVIS was created to work on integrated management of border, strategic infrastructures and natural resources surveillance and control projects, in alignment with the guidelines of Brazil´s National Defense Strategy. SAVIS´ objective is to serve Brazil’s needs in the defense and security sector by stimulating national technological development for solutions that might be exported to other countries, thus strengthening Brazil’s industry and its balance of trade.

Embraer Defense and Security has over 40 years of experience in providing Defense Forces around the world with superior platforms and systems. With its growing presence in the global market, the Company plays a strategic role in Brazil’s defense system.

The portfolio of Embraer Defense and Security and its associated companies includes military airplanes, state-of-the-art radar technologies, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), and advanced information and communications systems, such as Command, Control, Communications, Computer and Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (C4ISR) applications. Embraer’s airplanes and military solutions are found in service with more than 50 armed forces in 48 countries.


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