Russians say EMBRAER is an American Company

Júlio Ottoboni
DefesaNet exclusive


Versão em português – Link

The Russians gave yet another proof of why they’re called “ice-cold” when it comes to business and conflicts. Embraer’s (Brazilian state-run Aeronautical company) refusal to receive a group of 13 officials and advisers of the Russian government, leaded by the vice-prime minister Dimitry Rogozin, wasn’t even acknowledged as an incident or distress on the Russian effort to secure defense and aerospace partnerships with Brazil.
Rogozin, one of the greatest nemesis of the United States government, is a fair-skinned giant who smiles easily, and also a headstrong and practical man. As soon as he caught news on the end of the diplomatic and commercial blockage between the US and Cuba, he decided to change plans and not return immediately to Moscow. After visiting São José dos Campos, in São Paulo estate, the vice premier rearranged his tour through the American continent and took a flight this Thursday’s (18th) 2:30p.m. to Cuba – an obvious affront to President Barack Obama. A response from EMBRAER’s office came shortly after via its representatives, as means to preserve the Russian premiere’s image. Rogozin has been raising controversy in the Western world since the invasion of Ukraine by Russian troops and the annexation of Crimea.
“There is no distress at all. There’s only a very strange impression that Embraer doesn’t want to expand its business. We were going to propose the joint production of a civilian aircraft. Embraer is, in fact, a North-American company, we understand that. But we’re still going to try and establish ourselves in the Brazilian aeronautical market”, said one of Rogozin’s spokesman.
According to the premier’s advisors, this establishment will happen through the alliance with a Brazilian company or group. The search for this partner begun right after Embraer refused to meet with Rogozin and his committee.
Practical, as said before, Rogozin – a former Soviet Air Force fighter pilot – wants more than the Brazilian government’s interest in turning the nation into the second largest aircraft construction center in the world. He wants to use the country’s own capacities, along with investments that can support the demands of a competitive industrial facility, and potential not only for production, but also research and development.
The Brazilian tour started in Rio de Janeiro, where the Russian party visited Navy facilities. Then passed on to Brasilia, where Rogozin had a meeting with Brazilian vice-President Michel Temer and Minister of Defense Ambassador Celso Amorim and officials. Today (18th) the vice-premier and Vladimir Putin’s right hand arrived in São José dos Campos along with the Russian ambassador in Brazil, Sergey Akopov, in a gigantic white airplane with black waves painted on its tail. They came to visit the National Space Research Institute (INPE), state-run company AVIBRAS and ODT-Mectron.
The vice-premiere stayed focused the entire time while paying attention to presentations from ODT-Mectron directors and AVIBRAS executives, and also from São José dos Campos’s Mayor, Carlinhos de Almeida, who assured the Russian visitors that the city was the best place for aeronautical projects in the entire country. “I spoke about this city’s potential for investment. There is no better place for this kind of project in Brazil, especially considering our technological facilities and the expansion of the Technological Institute of Aeronautics (ITA)”, said the Mayor.
While at São José dos Campos, the possibility of building Russian helicopters in Brazil was discarded by Rogozin. Besides direct competition with HELIBRAS and new companies, the current economic crisis is making the market shrink. On the other hand, regarding the defense area, the Russians are certain about becoming partners with MECTRON to produce a long-range air-air missile (BVR). Another partner is South-African company DENEL. However, this project, to become official next year, is still being negotiated with the Brazilian government.

“This will be the first project to involve three BRICS nations; it’s a great cooperation effort. We aim to bring the BRICS nations closer together as a way out of crisis. Right now we are in a “get to know” mission. The next will be a “get closer”, more practical one, with the development of new projects and new technologies”, said the vice-premiere advisors.
Closing and signing great deals with Russia is only expected during President Dilma Rousseff’s visit to Moscow next year. By then, the Brazilian government should sign on the construction of a civilian and military aircraft production line, as well as naval and aerospace projects and cooperation efforts on nuclear energy and advanced electronics.
“For a Russian company to participate on Brazil’s aeronautics sector, it depends on the government approval. With such cooperation, we can turn Brazil into the second greatest aircraft production center in the world”, said Rogozin 


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